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January 24, 2022

7 Fundamentals of the Ideal Betta Fish Tank

In recent years, the popularity of keeping a pet fish has been growing. People have found something very relaxing about having a tank full of colorful and interesting creatures. One type of fish that many people enjoy keeping is Bettas. Also people can buy betta fish online easily. This article will provide you with some basics on what to consider when setting up your Betta’s tank for an enjoyable experience for both you and your pet.


Ideal Tactics of Betta Fish Tank


Tank Size: The Bigger the Better


Bettas are unique pets because of their highly energetic personalities. They need a lot more space than most people assume when they first start keeping them. The general rule is one gallon per Betta, but it can be better to have even bigger tanks with multiple Bettas in the tank together.


Maintain the Ideal Tank Temperature


The ideal temperature for Betta fish is between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. This can be achieved by heating the water through an aquarium heater or a separate device like a ceramic heat emitter. However, bettas are cold-blooded creatures, so it takes some time to adjust their bodies when the surrounding temperature changes dramatically.


If you need to change the temperature of your tank quickly, do not allow him to acclimate himself slowly over several hours; instead, move him into another container with cooler water while this happens. Adding salt or medications might also help keep your pet comfortable during these times too. Ensure that there is plenty of resting space in the tank since they will often seek places where they can stay calm and cool down.

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Pay Attention to Water Quality


Bettas are very hearty fish, but they need a clean tank to stay healthy. Therefore, when you first start keeping them, it is recommended that you do not add anything at all – no gravel or plants – until the Betta has been in his home for several weeks and any illnesses have passed. During this time, test your water often to make sure everything is within safe limits for Bettas. After adding new decorations or changing their environment, it’s also important to wait two weeks before starting regular changes of 25% of the total volume daily.


Include a Lid and Space at the Top


One of the most dangerous features for Bettas is the open spaces at the top. They will jump out if they have a chance, so you should always include some lid on their tank that can be securely fastened to prevent escapes.


Use An Aquarium Filter


These pets like their environment to be very clean and free of contaminants. This can only happen if you use a filter, whether it is an internal or external one. A tank without filtration will quickly become unhealthy for the Betta and cause him to get sick over time. Be sure that there are no places in the filter where he might hide since this could lead to injuries from getting stuck or held underwater when it starts up during operation.

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Include Plenty of Places to Hide


Bettas are very shy fish, so they will often seek out places where they can hide from the rest of their tank mates. Therefore, if you have other types of fish in your Betta’s tank, be sure to include a lot of plants and decorations that he can use as cover if needed. You might also want to make some large rocks or pieces of driftwood available for him since Bettas enjoy going underneath these areas when everything is too active.


Select the Right Tank Companions


Bettas are excellent pets for people who want to own only one fish, but they cannot live with other Bettas or small goldfish. These animals need companions that will not nip at their long fins and would be better off living with larger tank mates like Guppies, mollies, platys, gouramis, angelfish, etc.



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