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March 28, 2022

Techniques to Improve Memory Power for the Students

It is seen usually in the students that they are very much concentrated on the topic- how to increase their memory power. Every student wants to memorize a lesson just by having a look at it or just after reading it. Each and every student sees a dream of having super memory power like a computer but isn’t able to achieve it as it is very rare to see such strong memory power.

Students practice various types of methods to increase their memory power like many tonics available in the market. They make a claim that their tonics and medicines can increase the memory power but these supplements harm the body because they only claim but they can’t do it in reality. Students try to do their best in their classroom. They study carefully and also perform their best in the classroom but still the competition level today among the students to achieve good grades and first position makes them think that their memory is not as good as his/her competitor.

Although an average memory power is not any problem as today online learning has made everything easy and even teachers have also left old methods of teaching and they have learnt how to teach online. Students have also understood that their tutors are well aware of how to teach online. Hence, they are getting double support i.e., from online education websites and offline also via tutors.

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But still the wish to boost the memory power keeps invoking students to find such ways so let’s have little discussion on it:

  • Just like regular physical activities are needed for the proper health fitness, the same way proper brain training is needed to keep the brain’s health fit and fine so that it can work properly and can memorize the course. Mental workout is very necessary to keep mental status healthy. One can opt for many mental workout methods available online and offline also in order to keep one’s mind In this way memory increases rapidly.
  • Physical exercises are the best methods to keep the brain healthy and fine. Regular exercise reduces the issue of cognitive depreciation which happens with gradual depletion in age and health and this activity protects the brain from getting iced and deactivated along with degrading age. It is proved in many researches that regular exercises such as aerobics and meditation keep Alzheimer’s patients So, while following this student can do brisk walking, running, hiking, jogging, swimming and dancing. These physical activities provide health and joy both to the brain which improves memory power very fast.
  • Meditation is the ancient method to improve memory power where one can achieve mindfulness and peace of mind due to which memory power increases itself without much effort. Meditation removes a twister of useless thoughts from the mind and makes one’s mind achieve that ultimate phase of peace and calm where the mind can concentrate and focus on the topic very easily and hence without much effort the topic gets memorized. And in this way meditation increases memory power in students.
  • Students need to take proper sleep to keep their minds healthy and to enhance memory power. Sleep is necessary for the mind to regenerate brain muscles and also to provide rest to the brain so that it can recharge itself and can function properly the next day. A complete night sleep includes 6-8 hours of sound sleep during which the student can get proper relief to body and mind and in this way a student’s mind will work faster than usual in the matter of memorizing.
  • Students and children can be found eating candies and foods including sugar in a huge amount, because they like it very much. Sugary food and meals full of sugar can feel very tasty and delicious but also can contribute a lot to memory Researchers who are contributing for the research regarding Alzheimer’s medicine have proved that heavy intake of sugar is one responsible content for this disease. Too much intake of sugary drinks like cold drinks, juice and foods lowers the memory power and capacity. So, students, and kids should avoid taking these edibles.
  • It is found in studies that caffeine, which is in rich amounts in coffee and green tea, is very beneficial in order to increase memory power. It is also found in studies that consumption of caffeine keeps the memory in the mind for long term and hence, improves the memory power in students and adults more than usual.
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